Selasa, 25 Juni 2019

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Pertemuan 14 : Problem Vocabulary and Prepositions


      The following words are often misused by native English speakers as well as nonnative speakers. Sometimes the spellings are so similar that people fail to distinguish between them. Others are pronounced exactly the same, but they are spelled differently and have different meanings. Words in the latter category are called homonyms. Study the words, parts of speech (noun, verb, etc.), definitions, and sample sentences in this list.

ANGEL (noun) - a spiritual or heavenly being. The Christmas card portrayed a choir of angels hovering over the shepherds.
ANGLE (noun) - a figure formed by two lines meeting at a common point. The carpenters placed the planks at right angles.
CITE (verb) - quote as an example. In her term paper, Janis had to cite many references.
SITE (noun) - location. The corner of North Main and Mimosa Streets will be the site of the new shopping center.
SIGHT (a) (noun) - a device used to assist aim (of a gun or telescope). Through the sight of the rifle, the soldier spotted the enemy, (b) (noun) - view. Watching the landing of the space capsule was a pleasant sight, (c) (verb) - see. We sighted a ship in the bay.

COSTUME (noun) - clothing, typical style of dress. We all decided to wear colonial costumes to the Fourth of July celebration.
CUSTOM (noun) - a practice that is traditionally followed by a particular group of people. It is a custom in Western Europe for little boys to wear short pants to school.
DECENT (adjective) - respectable or suitable. When one appears in court, one must wear decent clothing.
DESCENT (noun) (a) - downward motion. The mountain climbers found their descent more hazardous than their ascent, (b) - lineage. Vladimir is of Russian descent.
DESSERT (noun) (desert) - the final course of a meal, usually something sweet. We had apple pie for dessert last night.
DESERT (noun) (desert) - a hot, dry place. It is difficult to survive in the desert without water.
DESERT (verb) (desert) - abandon. After deserting his post, the soldier ran away from the camp.
LATER (adverb) - a time in the future or following a previous action. We went to the movies and later had ice cream at Dairy Isle.
LATTER (adjective) - last of two things mentioned. Germany and England both developed dirigibles for use during World War II, the latter primarily for coastal reconnaissance, (latter = England).
LOOSE (adjective) - opposite of tight. After dieting, Marcy found that her clothes had become so loose that she had to buy a new wardrobe.
LOSE (verb) (a) - to be unable to find something. Mary lost her glasses last week. (b) - opposite of win. If Harry doesn’t practice his tennis more, he may lose the match.
PASSED (verb - past tense of pass) (a) - elapse. Five hours passed before the jury reached its verdict, (b) - go by or beyond. While we were sitting in the park, several of our friends passed us. (c) - succeed. The students are happy that they passed their exams.


Select the word in parentheses that completes the meaning in each sentence
·         Betty’s insulting remark greatly (effected/affected) Kurt, who is a very sensitive person.
·         Detroit manufacturers hope to develop an easily attachable (device/devise) for the carburetor to improve gas mileage.
·         While doing the experiment, we asked the lab technician’s (advice/advise).
·         After declaring bankruptcy, the company was forced to (liquefy/ liquidate) its assets.
·         Keith’s company’s headquarters were (formerly/formally) located in Philadelphia.
·         (Especially/Special) attention must be given to the questions at the end of each chapter.
·         George was (among/between) those students selected to participate in the debate.
·         They were (already/all ready) to leave when a telegram arrived.


     Definition: Prepositions are a class of words that indicate relationships between nouns, pronouns and other words in a sentence. Most often they come before a noun. They never change their form, regardless of the case, gender etc. of the word they are referring to.
Prepositions typically come before a noun: 
For example: 
* after class * at home * before Tuesday * in London * on fire * with pleasure

A preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence. 
For example: 
* The book is on the table. * The book is beside the table. * She read the book during class. 

In each of the preceding sentences, a preposition locates the noun "book" in space or in time.


Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Pertemuan 13 : Style in Written English2

1.     Participial Adjective

      Participal adjective adalah sebutan lain untuk participle saat digunakan sebagai adjective (verbal). Ini artinya kata sifat yang termasuk kedalam participial adjective pada awalnya atau kata dasarnya bukanlah merupakan sebuah adjective namun berasal dari verb (kata kerja).

Contoh Kalimat :
1.      That was an amazing talent show.
2.      We cannot read this coded message.

2.     Redundancy

   Redundancy adalah pengulangan kata yang memiliki makna sama atau dengan kata lain pemborosan kata.

            Contoh Kalimat :
1.      I returned your things after we broke up.
2.      The room advanced rapidly.

3.     Parallel construction

      Parallel construction adalah parallelism berarti elemen-elemen kalimat yang memiliki fungsi yang sama  menggunakan konstruksi atau pola gramatikal yang sama pula.

Contoh Kalimat :
1.      This book is not for you but for your cousin.
2.      My handphone is cheaper than my brother’s.

4.     Transformation of direct & indirect object.
      Direct object adalah penderita langsung dari suatu tindakan di dalam satu kalimat.

Indirect object mengindentifikasikan untuk siapa tindakan tersebut dibuat. Direct object dan Indirect object adalah orang, tempat, atau sesuatu yang berbeda. Direct object dalam kalimat berikut ini adalah yang dicetak tebal.

 * The instructor gave his students A’s.
    * Grandfather left Rosalita and Raoul all his money.
    * Jo-Bob sold me her boat.

Bersamaan dengan itu, kata me (atau sama dengan kata lainnya, yaitu him, us, them) biasanya berperan menjadi Direct Object.

    * Bless me/her/us!
    * Call me/him/them if you have questions.

5.     Adverbial of the beginning of a sentence.

     Adverbial clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai adverb (kata keterangan) dan memberikan informasi tentang verb, adjective, atau adverb yang berada pada independent clause dengan kapasitasnya menjawab pertanyaan: how, when, where, why, atau to what degree.
Adverbial clause dimulai dengan suatu kata yang disebut subordinate conjunction (when, after, because, though, etc). Kata ini berguna untuk menjembatani hubungan dengan independent clause yang diterangkan. Gabungan klausa ini dengan independent clause dinamakan dengan complex sentence (kalimat kompleks), yaitu kalimat yang terdiri dari independent dan satu atau lebih dependent clause.
Macam-macam adverbial clause antara lain: adverbial clause of time (waktu), place (tempat), cause & effect (sebab & akibat), purpose & result (tujuan & hasil), condition (pengandaian), contrast/consession (pertentangan), manner (cara), dan reason (alasan).

    Contoh Kalimat : When he cleaned the kitchen, he found a lot of expired food.


Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Pertemuan 10 : Passive Voice, Causative Have

Passive Form

In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.

[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action]


The students (subject recieving action) are taught (passive verb) by the professor. (doing action)
The dishes (subject recieving action) are washed (passive verb) by john. (doing action)
Simple Present : Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom.

Simple Past : The car was repaired by Sam.

Simple Future (will) : The work will be finished by 5:00 PM.

Simple Future (be going to) : A beautiful dinner is going to be made by Sally tonight.

Present Continuous : Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah.

Present Perfect : That castle has been visited by many tourists.

Present Perfect Continuous : Recently, the work has been being done by John.

Past Perfect : Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanic’s license.

Past Perfect Continuous : The restaurant’s fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris.

Causative Verbs

The English verbs let, make, have, get, and help are called causative verbs because they cause something else to happen.

Here are some specific examples of how causative verbs work in English sentences.

LET , permit something to happen

Grammatical structure:

LET + PERSON/THING + VERB (base form)

I don’t let my kids watch violent movies.
Mary’s father won’t let her adopt a puppy because he’s allergic to dogs.
Our boss doesn’t let us eat lunch at our desks; we have to eat in the cafeteria.
Oops! I wasn’t paying attention while cooking, and I let the food
Don’t let the advertising expenses surpass $1000.
Remember: The past tense of let is also let; there is no change!

Note: The verbs allow and permit are more formal ways to say “let.” However, with allow and permit, we use to + verb:

I don’t allow my kids to watch violent movies.
Our boss doesn’t permit us to eat lunch at our desks.
MAKE , force or require someone to take an action

Grammatical structure:

MAKE + PERSON + VERB (base form)

After Billy broke the neighbor’s window, his parents made him pay for it.
My ex-boyfriend loved sci-fi and made me watch every episode of his favorite show.
The teacher made all the students rewrite their papers, because the first drafts were not acceptable.
Note: When using the verbs force and require, we must use to + verb.

The school requires the students to wear 
“Require” often implies that there is a rule.
The hijacker forced the pilots to take the plane in a different direction.
“Force” often implies violence, threats, or extremely strong pressure
HAVE,  give someone else the responsibility to do something

Grammatical structure:

HAVE + PERSON + VERB (base form)
Examples of grammatical structure #1:

I’ll have my assistant call you to reschedule the appointment.
The businessman had his secretary make copies of the report.
Examples of grammatical structure #2:

I’m going to have my hair cut 
We’re having our house painted this weekend.
Bob had his teeth whitened; his smile looks great!
My washing machine is broken; I need to have it
Note: In informal speech, we often use get in these cases:

I’m going to get my hair cut 
We’re getting our house painted this weekend.
Bob got his teeth whitened; his smile looks great!
My washing machine is broken; I need to get it

GET,  convince/encourage someone to do something

Grammatical structure:



How can we get all the employees to arrive on time?
My husband hates housework; I can never get him to wash the dishes!
I was nervous about eating sushi, but my brother got me to try it at a Japanese restaurant.
The non-profit got a professional photographer to take photos at the event for free.
HELP, assist someone in doing something

Grammatical structure:

HELP + PERSON + VERB (base form)
After “help,” you can use “to” or not – both ways are correct. In general, the form without “to” is more common:

He helped me carry the boxes.
He helped me to carry the boxes.
Reading before bed helps me
Reading before bed helps me to relax.


Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Pertemuan 12 : Style in Written English

A. Question

Question adalah bentuk kalimat pertanyaan yang ditambahkan pada akhir kalimat yaitu (declarative sentence) untuk menanyakan “informasi” atau “meminta persetujuan”.
Contoh kalimat Question
1.       You have finished your homework, haven’t you?
2.       They will attend the seminar, won’t they?
3.       She loves swimming, doesn’t she?

B. Sequence of Tenses

Apabila ada dua kejadian yang terjadi secara berurutan langsung, maka tenses yang dipakai adalah simple past dan simple past.
Ciri-ciri            : tidak ada jeda waktu dan biasanya ada sebab akibat
Contoh kalimat Sequence of Tenses
1.       The student had gotten a verbal warning before his parents were called.
2.       I had already eaten my breakfast by the time he picked me up.
3.       They had met twice before married.

C. Say/Tell 

Say and Tell mempunyai arti yang berbeda, “say” adalah untuk kalimat yang memiliki arti “berkata”, sedangkan “tell” adalah untuk kalimat yang memiliki arti “mengatakan”.
Contoh kalimat Say/Tell
1.        He said he was sick.
2.       He told us that he was sick

D  Antesendents of pronouns

#Antesendents of pronouns, kata benda (noun) diwakili oleh kata ganti (pronoun) dikenal dengan istilah antecendent. Kata benda dapat berupa sebuah kata, ataupun klausa. Antecendent pada umumnya terletak sebelum kata ganti.
-Contoh kalimat Antesendents of pronouns

-The house that I want is on sale.
-house (antecendent)
-that (pronouns).

E. Dangling modifier

Dangling adalah sebuah kesalahan dalam struktur kalimat atau ketidakcocokan anatara maksud penulis atau pembicara dengan pendengar atau pembaca. Dangling modifier pada bahasa inggris biasanya terjadi karena penulis atau pembicara tidak meletakkan subjek kalimat pada awal induk kalimat.

-Contoh kalimat Dangling modifier
Having finished sweeping on the floor, in the kitchen were cooked. (Setelah selesai menyapu dilantai, didapur yang dimasak). 
Kita harus meletakkan subjek kalimat yang tepat sehingga maknanya dapat dipahami. Contoh kalimat diatas sangat membingungkan dan kalimat yang salah, inilah yang disebut dengan dangling modifier.

Agar kalimat diatas tidak membingungkan, dapat dirubah dengan kalimat:
Having finished sweeping on the floor, I cooked in the kitchen. (Setelah selesai menyapu dilantai, saya memasak didapur).


Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Pertemuan 11 : Relative Caluses

Relative Clause adalah bagian dari kalimat (anak kalimat) yang memberi keterangan pada orang atau benda yang mendahuluinya.
Istilah Relative Clause sama dengan Adjective Clause. Disebut Adjective Clause karena dia menerangkan benda atau orang yang mendahuluinya. Disebut Relative Clause karena dia menghubungkan (me-relate) benda atau orang tersebut dengan frasa di belakangnya. Relative Clause diawali dengan kata penghubung who, whom, whose, which, that.

1.      Which
-          Dipakai sebagai pengganti subject bila subject tersebut berupa binatang atau benda (noun)
a.       Bali is Paradise Island
b.      It has a lot of historical temples
Bali which has a lot of historical temples is Paradise Island
a.       The animal is a dog
b.      It hunted my brother last night
The animal which hunted my brother last night is a dog
a.       This book is very beatiful
b.      It is very expensive
This book which is very expensive is very beatiful

-          Dipakai sebagai pengganti objek bila objek tersebut berupa binatang atau benda
a.       This is the book
b.      I bought it yesterday
This is the book which I bought yesterday
a.       Here is my car
b.      You can borrow it now
Here is my car which you can borrow now

2.      Who
-          Dipakai sebagai pengganti subject bila subject tersebut berupa orang
a.       My brother is a police man
b.      He lives in Bandung
My brothes who lives in Bandung is a police man
a.       The man is a teacher
b.      He teaches the lesson patiently
The man who teaches the lesson patienly is a teacher

3.      That
-          Digunakan sebagai kata ganti benda atau kadang-kadang orang untuk menerangkan subject/object
a.       The man came here last night
b.      He will buy this house
The man that will buy this house came here last night
a.       Borobudur is an historical temple
b.      It was bombed years ago
Borobudur that was bombed years ago is an historical temple

4.      Whom
-          Dipakai sebagai pengganti object bila object tersebut berupa orang
a.       The man is Nizar
b.      I invited him yesterday
The man whom I invited yesterday is Nizar
a.       The boy is Amir
b.      We gave him money yesterday
The boy whom we gave money yesterday is Amir

5.      Whose
-          Dipakai sebagai pengganti milik untuk orang
a.       The man is Mr. Rudi
b.      We visited his daughter two days ago
The man whose doughter we visited two days ago is Mr. Rudi
Note: relative clause yang menggunakan who/that/which dapat dihilangkan apabila menjadi object. Example:
The woman who I wanted to see was away, or
Teh woman I wanted to see was away
Have you found the key that you lost?, or
Have you found the key you lost?

Relative adverb
Relative adverb biasa digunakan sebagai ganti relative pronoun yang juga berfungsi untuk memberikan pemahaman terhadap kalimat. Diantara relative adverb adalah:

a.       When
-          How can I forget the day when he went away?

b.      Where
-          Do you still remember the place where I met her the first time?

c.       Why
-          Give me one good reason why you did that


Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Pertemuan 9 : Connectors

Connector dan Conjuction dalam Bahasa inggris mempunyai arti yang sama, yaitu kata penghubung atau kata sambung. Namun, penggunaannya berbeda. Contoh kalimat conjunction digunakan dalam dua kata, dua klausa, atau dua kalimat yang digabungkan menjadi satu. Atau dalam Bahasa Indonesia, conjunction membentuk kalimat majemuk.

Sedangkan connector tidak selalu menghubungkan dua kalimat menjadi satu. Kalimat yang dihubungankannya dapat dipisah. Kalimat yang dihubungkan dengan connector tersebut dapat bersamaan arti atau mempunyai arti yang saling berlawanan. Berikut ini adalah pembahasan tentang penggunaan connector dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kata yang Termasuk Connector

Sesuai dengan judul artikel kita kali ini, maka khusus akan membahas tentang connector. Kata-kata yang termasuk connector atau Conjunction (Kata Sambung) adalah di bawah ini :

For / Because / since
For dan since sebagai connector mempunyai arti karena. Kata ini biasanya diikuti dengan kalimat yang menjadi alasan kalimat sebelumnya.  Artinya sama hanya berbeda penggunaan pada contoh kalimat conjunction because.

And artinya dan. And biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat yang menunjukkan hubungan penambahan kalimat sebelumnya. Atau sesuatu yang dilakukan setelah kalimat pertama.

Nor dapat berarti tidak juga atau dan tidak. Kalimat pertama sebelum kata nor biasanya merupakan kalimat negatif.
But. But mempunyai tetapi atau menunjukkan dua kalimat yang bertentangan. Dalam penggunaannya, kalimat kedua atau setelah kata but adalah kalimat yang betentangan dengan kalimat pertama.

Yet mempunyai arti meskipun. Mirip dengan kata but atau tetapi dlam penggunaannya. Yet juga dapat berarti nevertheless

So / now that
So berarti jadi, atau oleh karena itu atau sehingga. Sama artinya dengan now that. Kalimat yang mengikuti kata ini adalah akibat atau konsekuensi dari kalimat pertama.

Or berarti atau. Dua kalimat yang dihubungkan dengan kata atau biasanya mempunyai arti semakna atau sederajat.

Pola Kalimat Connector dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pola kalimat yang digunakan dan dihubungkan dengan connector, tidak perbeda dengan pola kalimat Bahasa Inggris umumnya, yaitu
Subject + Predikat (verb)+ Objek Connector Subject + Predikat (Verb) + Objek

Dengan demikian penggunaan contoh 16 tense English, penggunaan pronoun antecedent agreement, kata ganti, daftar kata irregular verb dan sebagainya sama dengan aturan kalimat lain. Tidak ada pola khusus yang digunakan.

Contoh Kalimat Connector dalam Bahasa Inggris

Beberapa contoh kalimat yang menggunakan connector seperti telah disebutkan di atas dapat dilihat di bawah ini.

He came late to school this morning for he saw the accident (Ia datang terlambat ke sekolah pagi ini karena ia melihat kecelakaan.)
She did’nt answer my phone last night for she fell asleep (ia tidak mnjawab teleponku semalam karena tertidur)
Her baby cries because she is hungry (bayinya menangis karena sedang lapar)
I can speak American English since I lived in Los Angeles for seven years (Saya dapat berbicara Bahasa Inggris Amerika karena saya tinggal di Los Angeles selama 7 tahun)
I am cooking in the kitchen. And my son came to surprised (Saya sedang memasak di dapur. Dan anak laki-laki saya datang mengejutkan)
There are two apples and three oranges on the table (ada dua apel dan dua jeruk di atas meja). Perhatikan bahwa and tidak menyambungkan dua kalimat. And di sini merupakan kata sambung conjunction bukan connector.
She didn’t invite me. Nor did her frends to her birthday. (Dia tidak mengundang saya. Tidak juga teman-teman untuk hari ulang tahunnya).
Ami looks like tired. But she learn English until last night (Ami tampak lelah. Tetapi ia Belajar Bahasa Inggris sampai larut malam).
What do you prefer to stay in home or travel on this holiday? (Apa yang kamu pilih, diam di rumah atau berjalan-jalan di liburan ini?)

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