Kamis, 02 Mei 2019

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Pertemuan 8 : Adjectives & Adverbs


          Adjective adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan noun(kata benda) atau pronoun(kata ganti) yang dapat berupa, mahluk hidup, tempat, benda atau konsep abstrak.

Contoh kalimat Adjectives :
1.    I met a big gorilla in the zoo yesterday. (Aku bertemu seekor gorila yang sangat besar.)
2.    My sister is not only beautiful but also tall. (Kakakku tidak hanya cantik, tapi juga tinggi.)


          Adverb (kata keterangan/tambahan) adalah kata yang dipakai untuk menerangkan bagian dari tata bahasa yang mana saja kecuali kata benda dan kata ganti.

1.    Adverbs of time
Adverb of time (keterangan waktu) adalah kata yang menunjuk pada kapan sesuatu terjadi atau berada. Beberapa kata yang tergolong adverb of time adalah immediately (secepatnya), then (nanti), now (sekarang), yesterday (kemarin), tommorow (besok), later (kemudian), daily (setiap hari), dan lain-lain.

Contoh : Let’s begin to work now. (Mari kita mulai bekerja sekarang)

2.    Adverbs of place
Adverb of place menerangkan tempat. Contoh adverb of place adalah here (di sini), there (di sana), below (di bawah), near (dekat), dan sebagainya.

Contoh :     I put my books below my desk (aku menyimpan bukuku dibawah meja)

3.    Adverbs of frecuency
Adverb of frequency menerangkan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Yang termasuk adverb of frequency antara lain often (sering), never (tidak pernah), frequently (kerap kali, sering), sometimes (kadang-kadang), usually (biasanya), rarely (jarang, langka), dan seldom (jarang).

Contoh : I have told you twice. (Saya sudah memberitahumu dua kali)

4.    Adverbs of manner
Adverb of manner memberi penjelasan tentang bagaimana atau dengan cara apa suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Contohnya adalah sadly, happily, bravely, hard, fast, soundly, fairly, dan seterusnya.

Contoh: Please,go home carfully.(tolong pulang kerumah hati-hati)

sumber :


Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Pertemuan 7 : Modal Auxiliaries

Modal Auxiliary verb adalah kata yang ditempatkan sebelum main verb (kata kerja utama) untuk memodifikasi makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut.

Fungsinya untuk mengekspresikan willingness (kemauan) atau ability (kemampuan), necessity (kebutuhan), dan possibility (kemungkinan). Kata kerja bantu ini antara lain: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, dan ought to.

Contoh dan Fungsi Modal Auxiliary Verbs.

Berbicara tentang pekerjaan di masa depan,
Contoh: I won’t (will not) be in the office until 11; I’ve got a meeting

Membuat semi formal permintaan,
Contoh: Will you open the window, please? It’s very hot in here.

Untuk menawarkan sesuatu,
Contoh: Shall I fetch you another glass of wine?

Membuat kalimat saran,
Contoh:  Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

Menggambarkan pekerjaan yang mungkin terjadi. Bedanya May lebih memungkinkan terjadi (50% chance); sedangkan might lebih meragukan (mungkin hanya 30% chance).
Contoh: She may be back in her office: the lecture finished ten minutes ago.

Menunjukkan persetujuan atau izin. Jadi biasa diterjemahkan dengan arti “boleh”.
Contoh: You may go home now.

Bentuk past dari will.
Contoh: He said the next meeting would be in a month’s time.

Permintaan tolong yang lebih halus dari “will”.
Contoh: Would you like another cup of tea?

Berbicara tentang kemampuan.
Contoh: Can you speak Mandarin? 

Membuat permintaan,
Contoh: Can you give me a ring at about 10?

Permohonan izin,
Contoh: Can I ask you a question?

Untuk menunjukkan sebuah kewajiban atau keharusan.
Contoh: People must try to be more tolerant of each other.

Sugesti/saran/ajakan yang kuat.
Contoh: I think you really must make more of an effort.

Menunjukkan arti “Pasti”.
Contoh: This must be the place – there’s a white car parked outside (ini pasti tempat – ada mobil putih yang diparkir di luar). Jadi must di sini artinya bukan “harus”, tapi “pasti”.

Memberi Saran.
Contoh: I think you should go for the Alfa rather than the Audi.

Kewajiban, tapi lebih lemah dari “must”.
Contoh: The equipment should be inspected regularly. (Peralatan harus diperiksa secara rutin).

Seharusnya, tapi ga terjadi.
Contoh: I should have renewed my TV licence last month, but I forgot.

Ought to punya makna yang sama dengan should, biasanya dipakai pada kalimat affirmative pada waktu present (saat ini).
Contoh: You should/ought to get your hair cut.

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Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Pertemuan 6 : Affirmative & Negative Agreement, Negation, Commands

A. Affirmative Agreement

When indicating that one person or thing does something and then adding that another does the same. Use the word so or too. To avoid needless repetition of words from the affirmative statement, use the conjunction and followed by a simple statement using so or too. The order of this statement will depend on whether so or too is used.
1. When a form of the verb be is used in the main clause, the same tense of the verb be is used in the simple statement that follows.
affirmative statement (be) + and + subject + verb (be) + too
affirmative statement (be) + and +          so + verb (be) + subject

e.g. I am hungry.  You are hungry
– I am hungry and you are too
– I am hungry and so are you

2. When a compound verb (auxiliary + verb), for example, will go, should do, has done, have written, must examine, etc. occurs in the main clause, the auxiliary of the main verb is used in the simple statement, and the subject and verb must agree.
Affirmative statement + and + subject + auxiliary only + too
Affirmative statement + and +          so + auxiliary only + subject

e.g. They will study in the library tomorrow. You will study in the library tomorrow.
– They will study in the library tomorrow and you will too
– They will study in the library tomorrow and so will you

3. When any verb except be appears without any auxiliaries in the main clause, the auxiliary do, does, or did is used in simple statement. The subject and verb must agree and the tense must be the same.
Affirmative statement + and + subject + do, does, or did + too
Affirmative statement + and + (single verb except be) so + do, does, or did + subject

e.g. Jane goes to that market. My sister goes to market
– Jane goes to market and my sister does too
– Jane goes to market and so does my sister

B. Negative Agreement

Either and Neither function in simple statements much like so and too in affirmative sentences. However, either and neither are used to indicate negative agreement. The same rules for auxiliaries, be and do, does, or did apply.
Negative statement + and + subject + negative auxiliary or be + either
Negative statement + and + neither + positive auxiliary + subject

e.g. I didn’t see Julie this morning. John didn’t see Julie this morning.
– I didn’t see Julie this morning and John didn’t either
– I didn’t see Julie this morning and neither did John

She hasn’t seen the movie yet. I haven’t seen the movie yet.
– she hasn’t seen the movie yet and I haven’t either
– she hasn’t seen the movie yet and neither have .

C. Negation

To make a sentence negative, add the negative particle not after the auxiliary or verb be. If there is no auxiliary or be, add the appropriate form of do, does, or did and place in word not after that.

John is rich                  John is not rich
Mark has seen Bill      Mark has not seen Bill
The following examples contain no auxiliary and thus use do, does, or did.
Marco likes spinach Marco does not like spinach
They went to class They did not go to class

If there is a noun in the complement of a negative sentence, one should add the particle any before the noun.
Some                 affirmative sentences
Any                    negative sentences and question

e.g. John has some money
John doesn’t have any money

Hardly, barely, rarely, seldom, etc.
Remember that in an English sentence it is usually incorrect to have two negatives together. This is called a double negative and is not acceptable in standard English. The following words have a negative meaning and, this, must be used with a positive verb
Hardly                                               almost nothing
Barely                       mean                            or
Scarcely                                             almost not at all
Seldom                     mean                almost never

She scarcely remembers the accident (she almost doesn’t remember the accident)
We seldom see phone of these animals (we almost never see photos of these animals)

D. Commands

A command is an imperative statement. One person orders another to do something. It can be preceded by please. The understood subject is you. Use the simple form of the verb.
Close the door                             Leave the room
Please turn off the light            Open your book

Negative commands: A negative command is formed by adding the word don’t before the verb.
Don’t close the door
Please don’t turn off the light

Indirect commands: Usually the verbs order, ask, tell, or say are used to indicate an indirect command. They are followed by the infinitive (to + verb).
Joy asked Jane to turn off the light
The policeman ordered the suspect to be quite

Negative Indirect commands: to make an indirect command negative, add the particle not before the infinitive.
Subject + verb + complement + not + (verb in infinitive)
The teacher told Kelana not to open the window
Please tell Kenzo not to leave the room.



Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Pertemuan5 : Verb as Complement

Verb as Complement

Pengertian Complement:

Complement adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang melengkapi makna dari subject, verb, atau object. Dengan demikian, ada tiga macam complement, yaitu: subject, verb, dan object complement.

Subject Complement

Pengertian Subject Complement
Subject complement adalah noun, pronoun, adjective, atau konstruksi lain (berperan sebagai noun atau adjective) yang mengikuti verbs of being atau linking verb serta berfungsi menerangkan atau merujuk subjek kalimat.

Subject complement terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu:

predicate adjective (subjek dihubungkan dengan adjective)
predicate noun (subjek dihubungkan dengan noun)
predicate pronoun (subjek dihubungkan dengan pronoun).
Keterangan: Subject complement = bold . linking verb = italic.
Contoh Kalimat Subject Complement:
Mrs.Diana was a great headmaster Headmaster =menerangkan subjek (Mrs.Diana) A great = modifier yang menerangkan headmaster
A great headmaster = noun phrase
That lady is very beautiful Beautiful – menerangkan subjek (lady) Very=modifier yang menerangkan beautiful
That lady =noun phrase
These are yours Yours = menerangkan subjek (this) These = demonstrative pronoun
The noodle tasted delicious Delicious > (predicate adjective = menerangkan subjek (noodle) The noodle = noun phrase
So, What is a verb complement?
A verb complement is the arrangement of one verb as the object of another verb. This happens three ways in English:
With infinitives,Infinitives adalah bentuk dasar dari verbs. Dalam bahasa inggris, penulisan infinitives biasanya diawali dengan “to”. Misalnya: to read, to walk, to give, dan seterusnya. Meskipun pada umumnya infinitive diawali dengan “to”, akan tetapi ada beberapa infinitive tanpa “to”, biasanya disebut dengan “bare infinitive”. Contoh:
Subject + Verb + to infinitive
 I want to study English.
   I hope to see you again.
  Residents are not allowed to bring pets in my apartment.
subject + verb + object (nouns/ pronouns) + to infinitive
 My boss expects me to finish the work as soon as possible.
 The teacher reminded the students to do their homework.
 The doctor advised him to stop smoking.
I asked her to leave.
I wanted to leave.
I helped him to leave.
I stopped for the child to cross the street.

With gerunds Verb + Gerunds
Gerund adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda sehingga dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek dan pelengkap (complement) dalam kalimat, juga di belakang sebuah preposisi. Bentuk gerund biasanya disebut verb+ing. Mungkin istilah itulah yang biasa kita kenal selama ini mengenai gerund. Singkatnya, Gerund adalah kata benda yang dibentuk dari kata kerja (verb) + ing. Gerund sebagai pelengkap tidak dapat dijadikan subject dalam kalimat pasif (passive voice). Gerund terletak setelah to be: is/am/are, was/were, been/being/be. Contoh :
My hobby is fishing
Her hobby is reading novel
My favorite sport is playing football
What she wants to do now is crying over her mother to release her burden.
I considered leaving the job.
I regretted his leaving the job.
They decided on leaving.
With noun clauses,
I insisted that he leave.
I wondered why he left..
She acknowledged that she had left the job.
He didn’t know that she had left.
She decided when she would leave.
Verb + Preposition + Gerund
Ada dua kemungkinan jika Gerund digunakan sebagai Object, yakni Object of Preposition (Object Kata Depan) dan Object of Verb (Object Kata Kerja). Beberapa preposisi (preposition) lazim yang sering diikuti oleh Gerund adalah: about, in, for, of, without, from, by, dan to. Untuk preposisi “to”, boleh diikuti Gerund jika fungsinya memang sebagai presposisi, bukan bentuk dari infinitive. Contoh :

I’m used to sleeping with the window open.
I’m accustomed to sleeping with the window open.
I look forward to going home next month.